I skipped getting 7 because I don't wanna see L die. but now I have Near and Mello. Now just gonna go and get 9 next otherwise know as the death of Kira!!!!! XD
if you read SOL (son of L) on DeviantART by airvee then you know Landon just fell off a building and I'm so mad right now because Kira (light's daughter) is the killer and they loved each other. I'm gonna hurt airvee if Kira don't save him! *SCREAMS* NO LANDON!!!!!!!! ARGGGGG!!! *cry* No don't die not as young as you father.
I can't wait for L change the world to come out!!!!! It's gonna drive me crazy!!! I know some of the characters are Mello and Near. LOL MELLO'S A GIRL!! and Near is so Kawaii!!! I want to know the lady that called L an idiot's name so I can write her name in my death note. and I made a discovery L got Near addicted to toys. Yeah thats right L gave Near a toy robot and thats how it all started.
This is for Death note, L, Kira, Misa, the ICPO, and yes even Matsuda. "Matsuda get me some coffie!" now as I was saying this is for all death note fans to share your opinions on death note. Like who's side are you on L or Kira's you know stuff like that.
I am a Otaku and I'm still in school... and hate every minute of it! I like Yaoi but not Yuri (I'm not gay) so that tells you I'm a girl. I love all anime!! but mostly Shonen. My favorite shonen is death note and I'm on L's side!!!!! L for '09 in the Otaku election. Speaking of, L change the world is this summer!! go see it! and on top of being an L fan I also love Beyond Birthday!!! He's awesome <3 him and his strawberry jam~♥
so yeah... take a look at my blogs and leave me some comments ok~♥?